Friday, July 09, 2004

I really don't know a lot about this looks like a turky feathers used on an indian sign of some sort probably Cherokee as this was aquired locally. Love to hear some comments. Pardon me while I take refreshing sip of MPW.
cpyrght John Sebastian 2004

Moving to the modern art section this Leon Christy is a great example of seventies modern coorporat art. Enough oil has been slathered on this canvice to solve the energy needs of a small nation for years. - Human joints stripped of flesh seems to be the consensus of my art critics - do you need to have your wine glass refilled? There that's better then.
cpyrght John Sebastian 2004

This one of my nice pieces in a more conventional sense - an oil by Malcolm Thompsom extreemly nice and at $2 is probably a most outrageous purchase. I will try to get a better image up.
cpyrght John Sebastian 2004