Tuesday, June 22, 2004

My R.W. Reich

Where else but Oak Ridge, TN could one expect to find a masterpiece such as this (below) in a thrift store. Can you believe this was literally given to me with the purchase of another painting? I am absolutely in love with this work - from the exploded tree, intensely bright colors, to the light and shadows coming from at least five different directions.

You can find errors of perspective, light, composition, and color that range from the subtle to the outrageous.

One can spend hours lost in the wrongness of this masterpiece.

Of course the mystery attached to the signature enhances the ambiance - can this be Wilhelm Reich of Orgon Energy fame? He who warned us of Deadly Orgon Energy Rays? Protector of the Earth and patron saint to the free love movement of the sixties. The Wilhelm Reich snuffed out of existence buy a wantonly cruel and capricious government?

I make no judgments I only bask in the obvious brilliance, whoever this W.R. Reich may be.

Take a good deep sip of wine click on the image and contemplate.


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